About Us

Who We Are

QTC Social and Market Research Pvt. Ltd. was established in June, 2015 at Delhi, registered under Companies Act, 2013. We are a group of professionals who have come together to found a start-up that will primarily focus on field surveys. We have, among us, several decades of experience in all phases of field surveys including survey design and sampling, development of instruments, training of field supervisors and enumerators, conducting field surveys, quality assurance of field work, data entry, data cleaning, tabulation and reporting. Our domain experiences include: health, education, rural development, skill development, livelihoods, governance, environment and commercial qualitative & quantitative research.

What We Do

Having worked in this industry for several years, we understand that our organization, if it is to be sustainable, needs to deliver quality products (survey data, tables, reports etc.) at competitive cost and within mutually agreed timeline. We shall, therefore, strive to manage these three factors (quality, time and cost), as best as possible, to maximise client satisfaction. We are absolutely clear in our minds that we want long-term relationships with our clients - NOT short term gains.

What Makes Us Different

We understand that field work is the most crucial part for any project that involves collection of primary data - it is time consuming, expensive and most importantly researchers draw inference from field data that could lead to even policy-level decisions. Yet, it is this phase of the project that researchers have the least control on. We will, therefore, establish systems (human and machines), which will give greater control on field work and ensure reliability of data.

Key Strength

In-depth understanding of client needs, quality assurance of field survey adopting systematic regular monitoring, back check and editing. Our commitment towards ensure quality of collected data and client satisfaction. We have proven our capability in successfully completing the field survey of small as well as large social and market research projects in across India. On board our organization are professionals who have, during various phases of their careers, worked as enumerators, supervisors, field coordinators, field executives and as researchers. We, therefore, understand this industry right from the grassroots. Consequently, we shall be proactive in our approach towards ensuring quality of field surveys.

Our Working Sector

  • Health
  • Education
  • Rural Development
  • Skill Development
  • E-Governance
  • Livelihoods
  • Environments
  • Agriculture
  • Industrial
  • Political
  • House Hold Studies
  • Group Discussion Studies
  • In-Depth Studies
  • Impact Assessment Studies
  • Customer Stisfaction Studies
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

Let’s Work Together

We have demonstrated capacity and experience in planning for data collection and organizing survey logistics for social and market research projects.